Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Cardinal Innovation Center Today: Memes, Napoleon Blogs, Screencasting and Hyperdocs

A day after learning the basics of Napoleonic France, I wanted my history students to create something with their notes and what they learned. We've done the whole traditional essay thing and slides presentations, but I wanted to give them some options.  Enter the hyperdoc.

I created a hyperdoc with 5 options for which students could choose to demonstrate their learning. Each option was filled with links to how to videos and resources to add information to their project. The first option, which only allows them to earn a passing grade, "C", was to create a Google Slides presentation explaining the pros and cons of Napoleon's rule in France.

To get an "A" or a "B", students could take those slides and screencast their understanding of pros and cons of Napoleonic France. Students could also create a Memes Slideshow by creating a meme (with explanation) for each of the seven slides from which they took notes earlier in the week. Another option for an "A" or a "B" grade would be to create a website for Napoleon's government that includes his reforms, timeline and bio of Napoleon. A fourth "A" or a "B" option is to start a blog on Blogger chronicling the life, rise and fall of Napoleon from his point of view. It would be a "diary blog."

Students were given 5-7 minutes to review the hyperdoc and choose their "learning demonstration" project. They were given the entire class period to get started and iterate. The project is due in 10 days, but I made it clear they need to be in constant contact with me to receive feedback.

Cesar works on his first blog post

As expected, the "C" option was chosen by 1/3 of the class and another 1/3 chose screencasting. Those who chose the Memes Slideshow got off to a good start. Only one student choose to blog, but his first blog post was encouraging.

Stay tuned!