Thursday, September 8, 2022

Back to School with Nearpod (#2): Get Started Adding Videos with Embedded Questions

Welcome back to school! I hope this year has started off well. One thing many of us learned during distance learning was how to facilitate asynchronous learning. Some of you may stop reading this because of not wanting to deal with asynchronous learning anymore, especially that we are now back face to face. What I propose is taking some asynchronous ideas and skills and applying them to a synchronous, face to face learning environment.

Nearpod's ability to embed questions within a video is an asynchronous idea that is easily adaptable for face to face, synchronous teaching. In a nutshell, this feature allows you to use Nearpod videos, YouTube videos (safe search) or upload your own videos and embed questions at certain points within the video. If you are familiar with EdPuzzle, this is similar. The beauty of using Nearpod is that this feature is just one part of a multitude of other engaging, empowering options for lessons. 

The embedding questions within videos could be a great way to differentiate instruction. It could be used during station rotations. It allows students to go at their own pace. They have a pause and rewind button on the video. If teaching whole class teacher-led instruction, students don't have this option. Sure, they could raise their hand and ask questions, but for many kids that can be stressful. Giving them a measure of control over how they consume the content can help address students' unique SEL needs.

Enough pontificating. Let's take a look at how to get started adding videos in Nearpod with questions embedded at specific points. Once you've created a lesson, click the Add Content & Activities button.

To add videos, you have a few options. You could embed videos into a slide, but for the purpose of this blogpost, choose the Video option. When you embed a video into a slide, you cannot embed questions at specific times in the video. You can add interactive questions as a separate slide.

After clicking Video, you have a wide variety of options. By default, you will see the Nearpod Video Library. This contains standards aligned content made by the wonderful people at Nearpod. There is a tab to embed videos from YouTube. The YouTube videos are filtered with Google's Safe Search. The My Videos tab is a personal library for you where you can save videos for future reference. The Upload a Video tab allows you to upload videos you have saved on your device.

If you choose the YouTube option, you will see a search bar where you can paste at YouTube video URL or safely search YouTube right within Nearpod.

If you choose the Upload a Video option, you have options to upload videos from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox or One Drive accounts. 

For the purposes of this blogpost, the following screenshots show the YouTube option. Below, I searched for videos about Thor. After sifting through the search results, I clicked on one to add to my Nearpod lesson.

Once the video loads, you'll see a button in the bottom middle of the screen to Add Activity. What I did here is pause the video at a certain point and clicked that button.

This allowed me to add an Open Ended Question or Multiple Choice Question.

Below is an example of a Multiple Choice Question. 

This question will pop up at the 0:08 part of the video. 

Multiple questions can be embedded throughout the entirety of the video. More than one video like this can be added to a Nearpod lesson. This function can be used for accountability, differentiation, station rotations and much much more. How might you use Nearpod's function for adding videos with embedded questions?

If you would like to bring me to your school for PD, workshops, a keynote, training or a follow-up on this or previous blogposts, click here to schedule an appointment to chat.

My book, The Complete EdTech Coach: An Organic Approach to Digital Learning, co-authored with my wife Katherine Goyette is now available on Amazon. Click here to purchase. It is published by Dave Burgess Publishing. Be sure to follow the hashtag #OrganicEdTech and #CVTechTalk for updates.


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